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Cripples, bastards and broken things

The fourth episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones was first aired on May 8, 2011. The title comes from the original book, spoken by Tyrion after he provides Bran Stark with a saddle design that will allow him to ride despite his paraplegia: ‘I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things’.

Although I am no longer reading articles on white nationalist sites, I receive emails about the latest articles from The Occidental Observer. Today I received the notice of the latest academic article published in Kevin MacDonald’s webzine, ‘Can Feudalism Save the Western World?’ The title got me thinking about what I recently said in this series: that, from the viewpoint of for the fourteen words, monarchy was infinitely superior to democracy.

But German National Socialism was infinitely superior to monarchy, and the fact that MacDonald doesn’t publish scholarly articles promoting the latter shows what we’ve been saying on this site: Like other whites, so-called white nationalists have been corrupted by today’s ethnosuicidal zeitgeist which feminises all Aryan males.

In these eschatological times for the white race the feminisation of the Aryan man goes hand in hand with the masculinisation of Aryan women, which includes how girls are being educated in our century. In the fourth episode of Game of Thrones we see a conversation between Arya and Ned Stark, the Hand of the King.*

Arya: ‘Can I be lord of a holdfast?’

Ned Stark chuckles and kisses his little daughter: ‘You will marry a high lord and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights and princesses and lords. Hmmm?’

Arya: ‘No. That’s not me’.

Arya gets up and continues to do her training exercises to become a swordswoman (in the final season we will see that the already grown Arya definitively renounces motherhood).

Another bad message from the episode is to continue depicting the exiled prince Viserys, Dany’s brother, as incredibly stupid. It reminds me that later seasons also casts Lord Mace Tyrell as stupid: the lord of Highgarden and head of House Tyrell. Just like Viserys and Dany, the series will put Mace’s daughter Margaery and his mother Olenna as very smart compared to him.

However, the final scene of this episode shows us the blunder that Ned Stark’s wife, Catelyn Stark, made in the North by publicly arresting Tyrion Lannister solely on Petyr Baelish’s accusation. (As we shall see in the seventh season, Petyr ‘Littlefinger’ Baelish had lied to Catelyn and Ned about Tyrion.) This woman’s blunder at the end of the episode was so astronomical that it sparked a war between two feudal houses: House Stark and House Lannister. Catelyn had simply been carried away by her feminine ‘intuitions’ rather than having proof of Tyrion’s guilt in a frustrated assassination attempt on the crippled Bran.


(*) The Hand of the King is the most powerful appointed position in the Seven Kingdoms, second only to the King in authority and responsibility. The Hand is the King’s closest advisor, appointed and authorised to make decisions in the King’s name.