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2020-2021 mantra

‘2 metres distance determines our existence’.

4 replies on “2020-2021 mantra”

If you do catch the virus avoid hospitals. I caught this illness and agreed with my doctor I deal with it at my house to free up hospital space. My body was permanently tense for a number of days, making showering hard because it was hard to move my legs. Tension throughout my stomach too. But after a few days I could bend normally again, just made sure to hydrate a lot. For a few days I forgot what season it was. I was hallucinating too. Sore throat, breathing issues. But all that is over now for the most part. My lungs still hurt a little but that’s about it. I could not imagine being in that situation at a hospital not being able to get drinks when I wanted and not being able to shower when I wanted. Being surrounded by people. I think the high death rate is because people are running to the hospitals to deal with this instead of staying at their own houses. But I got to stay in my house for a couple weeks longer though according to my doc.

That’s what has ran through my mind, that people should know when to deal with something themselves, even if medical professionals are good at saving lifes, sometimes it’s not like that.. I hope you get better.

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