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Nature Pandemics

The Neolithic curse

The Cro-Magnon reconstruction in the
American Museum of Natural History.

Editor’s note: The coronavirus will have to infect 75-80% of the population before achieving what in epidemiology is called ‘herd immunity’. This means that most racially conscious whites will be infected in the next 18-24 months, when herd immunity is reached. The most alarming piece of data I’ve seen in Martenson’s videos is that, if Italians are already panicking with just 0.8% of their population infected, imagine how they will be—and the rest of the nations—with 8%. And let’s not talk about 80% to achieve the herd immunity: two orders of magnitude above the current situation in Italy!

It is critical that racially conscious whites take prophylactic measures by the time of eight, or eighty, percent of infected people. I can’t think of anything better than to provoke a paradigm shift in our bodies, so to speak, as very few can afford a bunker in the countryside. I am referring to the replacement of sugars as the sedentary source of energy to ketone bodies, as it used to be in the nomadic times of the Cro-Magnon. Remember that, biologically speaking, the Cro-Magnon was the highest type of Homo sapiens according to the racial classification of Evropa Soberana at the end of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

The present translation, or rather excerpts of other of Soberana’s essays, ‘La maldición oriental: daños dietéticos traídos por la Revolución Neolítica’ (The Eastern Curse: Dietary Damage brought by the Neolithic Revolution), must be read taking into account what I said in my previous post. Soberana started his essay with a biblical quote:

Now the earth is going to be under a curse because of you; with hard work you will make her produce your food throughout your life. The soil will give you thorns and thistles, and you will have to eat wild plants. You will earn your bread with the sweat of your brow, until you return to the same soil from which you were formed: for you are dust and you will become dust! —Genesis.

Cereals are currently the greatest cause of overpopulation, and therefore they are to blame for an increasingly numerous humanity taking more and more resources from the land on which we depend. If these billions of biped parasites are sustainable in the modern world and can continue to produce garbage and pollution, it is exclusively thanks to cereals.

Monocultures (especially rice, wheat, corn, and soybeans) produce cheap, easy, but empty calories like straw or cardboard, and have wiped out the nutritional variety that our ancestors enjoyed. Intensive agriculture has demanded the use of toxic substances and the denaturation of food in exchange for producing more quantity. Humanity’s dependence on cereal grain has caused deforestation (and the destruction of the animal biodiversity that the forests harboured), the uncontrolled and disastrous multiplication of our populations, countless degenerative diseases, the impoverishment of the soil, the advancement of desertification, and more. The number of human beings increased, but their quality drastically decreased.

Neolithic societies would conceive the coming of the cereal (Demeter, Ceres) as something that brought them out of the dark. The truth is that it made their daily life easier, but the degradation of their quality of life began: deformations in the teeth, deterioration of health, metabolism disorder, the appearance of obesity and slow cultivation of a different human type that did not suit the species, but the System: a humble, conformist, candid and satisfied human type. The origins of slave morality, masterfully portrayed by Nietzsche in On the Genealogy of Morality and The Antichrist must be sought in Israel—but not during the Roman occupation, but rather at the end of the Upper Palaeolithic.

The Neolithic completely disrupted human food. Where meat used to be eaten now what was eaten are carbohydrates. As we have seen, during the Palaeolithic the main source of biological energy for humans was fat. From the Neolithic it will be the sugars. Currently, eighty percent of our calories come from cereals, and a significant portion of the remaining twenty percent comes from refined sugars, processed fats, and highly damaging artificial sweeteners. As we can see, there is hardly any room for protein or saturated animal fats.

The dawn of starches

Starch is a polysaccharide or complex carbohydrate present as an energy reserve in all green plants. As examples of starchy foods we have rice, wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, cassava (a potato-like tuber that is widespread in the tropics) and others. Due to the strong cereal component of the modern diet, starches supply between seventy and eighty percent of the calories consumed by humanity in typically starchy products such as pasta, bread, rice, couscous, porridge, cakes, flour, cookies, potatoes, pastries in general and the various box cereals. Starches are, no more and no less, the basis of human nutrition today.

However, the question remains as to whether, as human beings, we are evolutionarily adapted to this substance. Animals really adapted to the digestion of starches are called seed predators or granivores. Among them are many birds and pigs, who have huge salivary glands that secrete a wide variety of enzymes designed to break down starches. Humans have the AMY1 gene, which gives us the ability to metabolise starch, but we only have one enzyme capable of breaking it down: salivary amylase or ptyalin.

That we are not biologically equipped for the optimal assimilation of starch is unsurprising. Over millions of years we evolved as hunter-gatherers and our genetics adapted to meats, fats, organs, and wild berries. In evolutionary terms, we started very recently (6,000 years ago in north-western Europe and the Cantabrian Cornice) ingesting massive amounts of starches. All this time our bodies have done nothing but protest and show signs of nonconformity. Paleo-archaeologists are well aware that the fossil record indicates an impressive decline in health and quality of life as agriculture was adopted; so much so that dental defects, osteoporosis and skeletal underdevelopment are often taken as reliable indicators to date the arrival of the Neolithic in a certain area.

In more recent times we have seen a strange starch promotion campaign at the cost of animal fats. Thus, since the 1970s the traditional American breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausages and butter has been gradually replaced by showcase food for hysterical menopausal women: the usual bowl of Special K with skim milk, coffee with saccharin, a slice of bread (naturally, with margarine instead of butter), a tablespoon of virgin olive oil, a glimpse of the latest gossip magazine, and a Coke to carry in your bag. The agricultural industry has increased the consumption of refined carbohydrates because they are the cheapest nutrients to produce; they are sold with an immense profit margin and they constantly innovate the market with a wide variety of products every year. In addition, it is easy to get addicted to them. There is nothing more profitable for the entrepreneur than investing in cereals. Then, of course, we complain about our deplorable state of health and blame everything on cholesterol, regardless of the most discreet culprit: starch.

Since the 1970s, the annual consumption of cereal grains has increased by about 25 kg per person, and the consumption of artificial caloric sweeteners (especially high fructose corn syrup) has increased by 15 kg. At the same time, total caloric consumption has increased 400 more a day since media agencies began stigmatising fat and recommending cereals. In contrast, cholesterol consumption has been dramatically reduced in record time. And yet, with food globalisation, health has suffered a colossal collapse, perhaps not seen since the arrival of the Neolithic: various degenerative diseases such as diabetes, candidiasis and obesity are multiplying at an increasingly rapid rate. The average western citizen is, to the delight of the pharmacological industry—which, let us not forget, feeds on and is enriched by our diseases—, a true and authentic garbage bag.

China is currently the world’s No. 1 cereal producer, followed by the United States. It’s not just about not being adapted to starches. The starch diet can kill and probably is, indirectly, the greatest mass murderer in the history of the planet. Here we will look at some of the many serious problems that cereals pose to human health […].

7 replies on “The Neolithic curse”

True fact: I can’t eat cereals. If I try, ugly things happen. A dietary intolerance, apparently genetic and inherited from my father. The doctors had no idea what was wrong with him, he was literally starving to death and had to start systematically eliminating things from his diet one at a time, eventually narrowed it down to the entire class of cerals and grains. When I started having the same symptoms as a young adult I knew exactly what was going on and switched my diet accordingly. Within a year I was in the best shape of my life.

When I explain this to people I joke I’m a throwback, that I’ve lost the past ten thousand years of agricultural progress. And I do miss the tasty stuff. But it imposed a discipline on my life that has been a tremendous blessing.

The diet thing is one of the biggest and most convincing red pill experiences it is possible to have. After ten years eating bacon and eggs for breakfast every day, I had a doctor’s checkup. Cholesterol and blood pressure were astoundingly good – exactly the opposite from what we’re told should happen. And switching my diet from high-carbohydrate to high-protein radically altered my energy levels – rather than being wiped out by midafternoon, I’d find myself still going strong late into the evening, and not hungry for breakfast in the morning. That’s the sort of discovery that makes you really start questioning and looking for corroborating evidence for everything else you’re told rather than taking it on faith.

Almost all manufactured and prepared foodstuffs have added SUGAR, even supermarket pasta sauces have added sugar!
The sugar “bliss-point” where ANY food can have a ratio of sugar added to make it more desirable was developed by food marketer (((Howard Moskowitz))) in USA, no surprises there.

An asian style chilli sauce I liked actually has 60% sugar content, but it has NO sugar taste as the hot chili balances it = bliss point of adding sugar!

One of the most pernicious of the ubiquitous modern western dietary habits is the habitual consumption of boxed breakfast “Cereal”. The vast majority of people are incompetent to feed their children properly and seeing kids provided with this junk as though it was real food makes me particularly angry. Avoid BBC like the plague! It’s made by forcing grain slurry through tiny holes under extremely high temperature and pressure in the extrusion process, which destroys all of the nutrients in the grain, denatures the protein and turns the lipid (oil) component rancid. As a matter of fact “healthy” wholegrain BBC is more toxic than pale cereal made from refined grain as it retains the Protein and Oil. It’s super junk food, Rats fed BBC in experiments die!

By the way, Pure White & Deadly is a good read.

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