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Defamation over the boards


In the forum White Nations (specifically, here) a guy said:

Tanstaafl accuses Cesar Tort, his blog The West’s Darkest Hour, of siding with the basic flowing premises of the Jewish Narrative.

Utter nonsense! I signed with my real name on Alex Linder’s poll in VNN forum advocating final solutions to the Jewish problem; and I end both of my 2014 books (The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour and Day of Wrath) praising Himmler’s ways.

I would have banned CT sooner than Tan did, for no other reason than that he was a hopeless Covingtonista. I remember Hadding trying to reason with him and it was like reasoning with a brick wall.

Tanstaafl never banned me from Age of Treason. I decided not posting there anymore. And I am no longer a Covingtonista as anyone who reads my blog knows. (Again, see the very end of The Fair Race; see also here to understand further reasons.)

Anyone knows how to contact Will Williams, the author one of the above comments? (White Nations did not allow me to respond). If I can clear myself from those absurd charges over there I might even remove this entry.