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Judaism Miscegenation

…with all thine being

Further to my post about René Guénon.

For an outsider who visits WDH for the first time it would seem unbelievably stupid that, being only a tiny minority, so-called white nationalists fight themselves so vehemently over the boards. But this hypothetical visitor has already been damaged by secular Liberalism and universal Christian values. Just take a look at the Jews and why they always beat us.

In Judaism it would be utterly, utterly unthinkable to advertise the “traditionalist” work of a Jew who “married an Arab woman and sired a batch of half-breeds.”

This morning I awoke up early because, even while sleeping, the thought of blond English roses with Negro partners was so disturbing that I could sleep no more. Why are westerners tolerating the sin against the holy ghost right in front of their noses? Because even in conservative circles, I mean: even in “nationalist” circles, for decades they have tolerated figures like Guénon and many other race traitors.

In Gothic Spain before Christendom Guénon and his partner would have been burned at the stake before they could breed little mongrels. Well, something of what remains of Goth blood in my veins is still boiling up.

In the previous thread I told my body-snatched debaters that, since unlike John Martínez and I they don’t live in Latin America, they really are clueless about how mestization can take over a whole continent once it starts to be tolerated. It can be no coincidence that precisely the bloggers who have had more experience with mestization and mongrelization are the ones who can see through the myopia, and even voluntary blindness, of North American white nationalism.

No: it is not insane to fight these “nationalists” when one sees how universal Liberalism has infected even the nationalist blogsites. What is more, I sincerely believe that Greg Johnson and others who have people like Guénon on the pedestal should do an honest examination of conscience; acknowledge that they have sinned against their race, and be humble enough to behave like children again by reading the Nazi pamphlets written in the 1930s for kids. This is from Faith and Action:

But the Nordic race must dominate in Germany and shape the soul of each German. It must win out in the breast of each individual. Today our ideal is not the artist or the citizen, but the hero.


Our highest treasure is the soul that we have been given. He who mixes his blood with that of foreign inferior races ruins the blood and soul that have been given to him to pass on in purity to his children.

He makes his children impure and miserable, and commits the greatest crime that he as a National Socialist can commit.

Mark my words, pseudo-racialists. The sin against the holy ghost won’t be tolerated in WDH. So speaks the one who has family members who have committed that sin. Real racialists give a damn about what the sophisticate are saying at Counter-Currents or Arktos Press. These guys are not genuine white nationalists. The fact is that what a child could understand in Nazi Germany the foremost pundits of English-speaking white nationalism can’t. They don’t really love their race with all their heart, and with all their soul, and with all their might, and…

35 replies on “…with all thine being”

Coincidentally, last night I read this interesting piece by Matt Parrot (link). This passage in particular caught my attention:

From a historical perspective, there’s nothing mystifying about White decline. There was no “collapse” in Brazil’s decline from a promising and prosperous Portuguese colony to a third world cesspit. There was no “collapse” in India’s decline from a wealthy and advanced Aryan empire into a diseased and dysfunctional bazaar of desperation and depravity. Even to this day, Brazilians and Indians cling to the illusion that they’re not collapsing or collapsed. In fact, they’re eager to brag about how much they’ve been “developing” lately. While the overwhelming majority of Brazilians and Indians have been pulled into the undertow, a Whiter-than-average elite remains in both countries, comprised of those who’ve managed for generation after generation to straddle the abyss.

What Matt says about India and Brazil is true, there’s no arguing about it. And it is also plausible the scenario he envisages for America (and also Europe, for that matter): instead of the race wars predicted by Pierce, a slow descent into mass mongrelization, just like what happened in the above mentioned nations.

However, one should point out that America and Europe have what those two nations lacked: huge White historical majorities, which makes an enormous difference. Therefore, I think both scenarios, Pierce’s and his, are possible if you think about it in an as objective way as possible.

My personal, disenchanted, non-delusional (in fact, post-delusional) two cents about this question is this: we are just at the very initial stages of the mass mongrelization of the White nations. The ideas upheld in blogs and websites like this have ZERO resonance with regular folks in real life and with the possible exception of child rapists, no other human group is considered as odious and despicable as us “neonazi racists”. For example, I have never, ever met a single girl or young woman in my life who would not have ruled out the idea of racial sexual hygiene as outside of the bounds of acceptable discourse.

Take a look at the horrific, blood-curdling pictures on this page, portraying Nigger singer Seal with his step-daughter and the Mulatto son he had with retarded blond top model Heidi Klum (link). This is the Brave New World in construction right in front of our eyes and there’s no kicking and squealing against it.

On the light of this tragedy, I think it’s not realistic to try and save the White race as a whole. What the very few racially aware Whites should concentrate their energies on at the moment is 1)the establishment of tight-knit communities and a possible all-White nation of their own (don’t ask me how it would be done) and 2) have as many children as possible and racially indoctrinate them with the same zealotry that Wahabi Muslims and Hassidic Jews indoctrinate their offspring.

In my view, the name of the game for race realist Whites is “Brave the Storm”. Kike economist David Goldman wrote a book a couple of years ago (link) arguing that the demographic winter raging through the White nations is in fact a universal phenomenon. it’s not just the West that is dying off, but China, Japan, Latin America and, what is best, he points out that, contrary to public perception, the Muslim world, of all civilizations, has been particularly hit by it in the past decades. If racialist Whites can keep their gene pool intact and breed their own kind as much as possible through the next decades, they’ll have the chance to even take back their lands some day in the future.

If a group of no more than just 150 human individuals left the African continent some tens of thousands years ago and managed to spread through the whole globe, I don’t see why an incomparably larger number of determined racially aware Whites cannot do the same this time. Besides, the White race itself is the final result of thousands and thousands of years of environmental pressures on the individuals living in Europe and its immediate neighboring areas in extreme situations. With the current technology, Whites can very well brave the turmoil of the next decades if they wish to live on as distinct race.

There is reason enough for hope. Those who want to be absorbed by the black, yellow, jewish and brown scum should be allowed to. Whites will be better off without them, anyway. After all, this is what natural selection is all about. I’m sure the future remaining Whites will be far healthier mentally than the ones we see today. Therefore, be of good cheer, brethren.

Reporting from LA here

I dont consider California to be part of America anymore–it is becoming part of Latin America. It is amazing how fast California devolved from 85% white haven of the middle class to 35% white feudal multicultural shit hole in less than 50 years. Greed. Indifference. Foolish sentimentality.

California always shows you the future of America.


Also scary how when I was about 7-13 years of age (I’m 22 now), I traveled the country and took pictures of thousands of people.

I still have those pictures (Cali, Arizona, Utah, Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, New York, Maryland …), and I look through them from time to time … NOT ONE INTERRACIAL COUPLE in those frames.

That was only 10-15 years ago. Now I see black men with white women everywhere, literally every day.

Things are speeding up as we reach the zero point of liberalism.

The fact that other states are looking like Cal is good. Multiculti hell, while it creates many sheep, also creates many hardened intelligent white fascists like me. I grew up hard core liberal. There is hope.

Btw you have the best comments at alternativeright. i post as galtongang sometimes.

If AltRighters’ are the best comments, how do you explain that they are not craving to expel all non-whites from what used to be white lands (craving in the sense of the Turner Diaries)?

If those are the best comments, how do you explain that they are not craving to kill mixed couples on the streets (like in Pierce’s novel Hunter )?


I’m sure many of them are …but as the recent NSA scandal proved it is still dangerous to say that shit on the internet.


I’m fucking 22. You dont think every young man who is introduced to WN has those feelings initially? We need to sublimate them into some useful for now.

Even two years ago, I thought that WN those who raised the IR relationship problem were just jealous or not getting enough for themselves. I thought that, abstractly, IR relationships were fine.

I even willfully had a black roommate for a year.

Things changed when my sister was sexually assaulted twice by black men in the inner city. Then my former love interest started posting pictures of herself hugging a black athlete.

*I categorically despise black men (Asian and Hispanic men who date white women don’t bother me that much) … it’s something in our blood archetype that tell’s us that these creatures are EVIL (in the objective and spiritual sense).

I think those WNs over 30 have no idea how bad this problem is getting among the young, especially teens; I encourage anyone to take a look on Twitter feeds or FB.

We need to instill racial pride in the young in a covert way (overtly it would push them in the opposite way).

BIGDOUG: “Greed. Indifference. Foolish sentimentality.”

… and Jews!

Jews first of all.

Greed isn’t really the problem. Only a minority of employers are making money thanks to the immigration policy. What we have to find out is why they are allowed to make money in this way, and not in other destructive ways? Why are they allowed to make money by hiring illegals, and why are they not allowed to make money by removing lampposts from the streets to sell them as scrap metal? Removing lampposts would be much less destructive than importing non-Whites. The problem is really Jewish power, not capitalism. In fact, most people are getting poorer because of the invasion. If they were moved by “greed”, they would actively resist immigration.

Indifference isn’t the problem either. For example, many Whites are leaving California because of the Mexican invasion. It isn’t a sign of indifference. Immigration deeply affects White people’s behavior. For example, it is pulling down their birth rate. But what tends to happen is that people will deny there is a problem if they think nothing can be done about it, and if it is semitically incorrect to discuss the subject.

Foolish sentimentality isn’t really the problem either. We may think that we are foolishly falling for the Jewish propaganda out of sentimentality, even though we know we should know better. But the real reason why we are not rebelling against the race replacement policy is Jewish intimidation (through government and the media), not foolish sentimentality. Another factor is human conformism. But we are not completely aware of how the intimidation affects our behavior, and we try to rationalize our behavior in other ways.

“Foolish sentimentality isn’t really the problem either.”

I share your hate against the Jews, but I beg to disagree. White sentimentality IS at the root of the problem not the Jews.

The question is: why the Jews were allowed to amass so much power in the first place? Rather, why on Earth were the kikes allowed to settle in the US in the first place, having in mind the sinister record of nation-wrecking they had? With all due respect, you are taking the consequence (the wicked power the kikes wield over the American Goyim) for the real cause of the problem (Whites’ suicidal lack of ethnic solidarity coupled with an excessive openness to foreignes — see Macdonald’s writings on the issue).

Like I pointed out in another thread, what’s currently taking place in the West is neither a White suicide nor a homicide against them commited by the Jews, it is rather an Assisted Suicide, i.e. the innate self-destructive tendencies of Whites (see the above post) being dexteriously manipulated by the international kikery for their own benefit at the expense of the vital interests of the former.

In other words, Whites natural tendency to empathyze with strangers, plus the universalism and egaliterianism rooted in Christianity has turned them in a very soft lot indeed. Now, if you take such folks and put them in company with non Whites who are neither empathetic nor egalitarian in relation to others than themselves, you have the receipt for a disaster.

Here’s a passage from well-known article (link) by a South African activist about the different patterns of socieatal behaviour of Whites and non Westerners:

America’s structures are Western. Your Congress, your lobbying groups, your free speech, and the way ordinary Americans either get involved or ignore politics are peculiarly Western, not the way most of the world operates. But the fact that only about a third of Americans deem it important to vote is horrifying in light of how close you are to losing your Western character.

Writing letters to the press, manning stands at county fairs, hosting fund-raising dinners, attending rallies, setting up conferences, writing your Congressman – that is what you know, and what you are comfortable with. Those are the political methods you’ve created for yourselves to keep your country on track and to ensure political accountability.

But woe to you if – or more likely, when – the rules change. White Americans may soon find themselves unable or unwilling to stand up to challenge the new political methods that will be the inevitable result of the ethnic metamorphosis now taking place in America. Unable to cope with the new rules of the game – violence, mob riots, intimidation through accusations of racism, demands for proportionality based on racial numbers, and all the other social and political weapons used by the have-nots to bludgeon treasure and power from the haves – Americans, like others before them, will no doubt cave in. They will compromise away their independence and ultimately their way of life.

That is exactly what happened in South Africa. I know, because I was there and I saw it happen.

Faced with revolution in the streets, strikes, civil unrest and the sheer terror and murder practiced by Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress (ANC), the white government simply capitulated in order to achieve “peace.”

Westerners need peace. They need order and stability. They are builders and planners. But what we got was the peace of the grave for our society.

The Third World is different – different peoples with different pasts and different cultures. Yet Westerners continue to mistake the psychology of the Third World and its peoples. Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe are perfect examples of those mistakes. Sierra Leone is in perpetual civil war, and Zimbabwe – once the thriving, stable Rhodesia – is looting the very people (the white men) who feed the country. Yet Westerners do not admit that the same kind of savagery could come to America when enough immigrants of the right type assert themselves. The fact is, Americans are sitting ducks for Third World exploitation of the Western conscience of compassion.

In other words, Whites are by and large nice, fair. As a result, they play by the rules. Kikes, niggers, average Hispanics, Asians by and large, are not nice, are not fair. Whites play ethnic softball. Non-Whites, largely empowered by the hidden coach of their team, the International Kike, play ethnic hardball — and foul play at that.

If you don’t believe that the soft heart of Whites is the ultimate reason why kikes and other non Whites overtook their societies, I suggest you try to share your views on them with your co-workers, your relatives and people you meet at the bars you attend — but in this latter case, be sure to have a gun loaded at hand just in case: if you want to see Whites manning up, just say something “insensitive” about the folks who are having their asses.

Well said, and let me add that since I am going to delete the other entry I posted today (I was deceived by the “rabbi” – see my update there), I have copied and paste below a section of that entry that merits inclusion here (before the entry is gone forever).

I wrote:

Abstract speculation while Rome burns has always been a huge handicap for white people. “…and that while you occupied yourself to your heart’s content researching the influence of Heidegger on Sartre,” wrote Solzhenitsyn in his Archipelago, “the Black Marias rolled incessantly through the streets and the State Security men knocked at doors and rang doorbells.” This reminds me how white nationalists discuss “the influence of Evola on O’Meara” while Black Men are ringing the doorbells of English roses!

I knew there was something wrong with the purported “rabbi” when I saw the word “god-damned” in his comment. Religious kikes never ever use the word “God”, writing instead “G-d”, much less “god-damend”. But I was about to leave the office where I work at that moment and so I couldn’t point it out.

But anyway, the troll was unmasked and exposed, that’s what counts.

By the way: isn’t this guy the same asshole (also a “Joe”) who used to troll Matt Parrot’s essays at the time TOO website accepted comments?

This reminds me how white nationalists discuss “the influence of Evola on O’Meara” while Black Men are ringing the doorbells of English roses!

White men cannot do anything about that; I have lost friends and family over racial commentary I have offered (that was quite mild). I also lost a very good job opportunity because I refused to say that I believed in diversity.

We, white men, only have two options:

1) Pursue your own interests and not let the situation bother you.
2) Be resentful and angry.

We have no control over the situation; you have a one in three chance that your white daughter will at the very least snuggle at one point with a negro.

I don’t blame people who bury themselves in books.

They can do something. Prepare for the coming revolution by reading the novels of Pierce and Covington—lots of FAQs about how revolutions should be conducted, especially in Covington’s Brigade.

I’d rather not recount it.

I’ll merely say that I dropped off my blue-eyed, beautiful cousin at a school dance, only to find out by looking at her (publicly available) Facebook that she had danced with a negro. I have long since deactivated my FB for fear of job loss (my network of friends and interests is not PC). I commented to her father (my uncle) about this issue, saying that I found it disturbing that we live in a culture saturated by blackness and that I thought black men were the epitome of indecency (and that he should scare away n*ggers from his daughter). He chuckled about it, but apparently told his wife, who scolded me on another occasion and has brainwashed her children into believing I am an evil Nazi.

My sister has been assaulted by Negroes (one black stranger ejaculated on her dress in public by rubbing up against her on the public transit). I said in front of my father’s side of the family (my father, my three liberal aunts, and two cousins) that black men are a genetic liability to the white race and prone to crime at a high rate. We should be worried about the demographic transformation of the West, was the thrust of my argument, citing my sister’s experience as a case study.

My own father turned against me in the course of conversation (because he cares more about the opinions of the group than anything) and essentially kicked me out of his house for bringing this topic up (I was 21 at the time).

Keep in mind, I’m not some Stormfront idiot, I made well-reasoned arguments in the cases above, but was still looked upon with utter disgust.

If you change your mind and want to tell the story in detail of how you were kicked out from home let me know: this is material for a featured article.

John, so many good points you make, and all so true. That South-African-written article you link to and partially quote is also very good and to the point, especially given that it is already 13 years old (published in 2000).

I’ve lived in the USA all my life, and at 57 I’ve seen more than enough of this country and its politics. The most important demographic trend, which is already decades old, shows no sign of slowing or reversing: the ongoing declining percentage of “whites” in the total USA population. On the contrary, that trend is accelerating.

Sometime in the next few decades, even before USA “whites” are a numeric minority, and of course helped along by all the “white” traitors — especially Christians and women who will vote for our destroyers — one can expect to see the free-speech amendment of the USA Constitution repealed, and replaced with a “hate-speech” amendment.

The USA is lost. One can fantasize about a different outcome, but trying to stop what is coming is like trying to pick up a dime in front of a bulldozer. A wasted and dangerous effort.

The only good thing about the USA decline and miscegenated future is that it will slowly lose both its economic and military power. You can’t have first-world power with third-world people.

With its gradual loss of power, the USA will eventually lose its power to harm European peoples elsewhere in the world. However, for at least the next few decades, if not longer, any formation in a Western-Europe state — say Britain or France — of a truly nationalist government, will probably be met in the end with a crushing military strike by the USA, followed by “regime change”.

My current pessimism is probably increased by the need to think about my own eventual “white flight” away from where I currently live, as the nig-nog population has become noticeable in recent years (complete with coalburners aka mudsharks in the local supermarket), and I don’t want to wait until either I become a crime victim or stuck with a house I can’t sell or both.

Thanks Kurt.

The future will be bleak, but that’s what it will take in order for Whites to toughen up. That’s what Darwinism is all about and you can’t run away from it. So be it.

If you change your mind and want to tell the story in detail of how you were kicked out from home let me know: this is material for a featured article.

I’d actually find this interesting as well, not to try and goad you into anything of course.

one can expect to see the free-speech amendment of the USA Constitution repealed, and replaced with a “hate-speech” amendment.

Nah, they’ll just have the supreme court nullify it like they did the 4th. Free speech was a constitutional right in the USSR.


“Nah, they’ll just have the supreme court nullify it like they did the 4th. Free speech was a constitutional right in the USSR.”

Yeah, you’re right. After I posted what I wrote, I realized I should have added “in effect” before “one can expect to see the free-speech amendment of the USA Constitution repealed”, because there are easier ways, as you say, to get the same result.

John Martínez: “you are taking the consequence (the wicked power the kikes wield over the American Goyim) for the real cause of the problem (Whites’ suicidal lack of ethnic solidarity coupled with an excessive openness to foreigners)”

There is a degree of truth to what you are saying here, but it is beside the point. You and Chechar agree that Jews are a problem, but you say they would be much less of a problem if White people where not such soft touches. That is obvious. So what? What are the practical implications? It sounds to me like useless, counterproductive philosophizing. If X fires his gun at Y, it is natural to blame X before we start blaming Y for not wearing a bulletproof vest.

Besides, what you say doesn’t invalidate my remark that people who are cowering in front of the anti-White dictatorship often misinterpret their own behavior as foolish sentimentality.

Immigrants are pouring into Western countries at the invitation of Western governments, and at the consternation of most White people. If White people had their say, for example, in a referendum, immigration would stop. So, if you would like to blame White people, you have to blame their lack of courage, not their foolish sentimentality.

Armor says:

“what you say doesn’t invalidate my remark that people who are cowering in front of the anti-White dictatorship often misinterpret their own behavior as foolish sentimentality.

Immigrants are pouring into Western countries at the invitation of Western governments, and at the consternation of most White people. If White people had their say, for example, in a referendum, immigration would stop. So, if you would like to blame White people, you have to blame their lack of courage, not their foolish sentimentality.”

Anti-White dictatorship?! I beg you pardon. Last time I checked every single Western European and Northern American government had been elected by popular, democratic vote. Who voted these governments into office and where do these politicians come from? From what you’re saying, one might get the impression that these politicians are aliens from outer space who came to Earth in order to abet the niggerization / arabization / mestization of these countries, or that it is extraterrestrials who are voting for these folks, instead of adult nationals who have had ample opportunity to see (and live with) the consequences of their stupid political choices for several decades now.

Look, I have all sympathy for the people of North Korea, for example. They certainly haven’t had any say in their government ever since the mid 50’s. Their country was kidnapped by a gang of sociopaths with the aid of a million-strong army. They are real victims. There is a real case to be made that they are not responsible for what is happening to them. But for you to refer to contemporary North American and Western Europeans as poor, oppressed folks, terrorized into cowardice by autocratic, unaccountable governments (as you give to understand that it is the case) is disingenuous, with all due respect.

I said something to this effect on another thread and a reader, Roger, apparently an English European himself, agreed 100% with me (link).

Trying to argue that their stupidity AND their cowardice is in fact just cowardice is beside the point. The point is that Western Whites are ultimately fully responsible for what is befalling them and trying to exonerate them from their sin against both their ancestors and their future generations is to assure that nothing will be done about it.

Whites have let the kikes in and have let them take control of their governments, finances, academia and press. Whites have allowed the inferior non White scum to colonize their societies. To blame “the elites” or “the political class” is a lame excuse because these segments of society are part and parcel of the said societies. Besides, the political class depends on votes to stay in power and what’s more, “the elites” can perfectly well be boycotted into poverty, since we are not talking about Ancient Regime aristocracy here. If stupid liberal Whites can boycott a restaurant chain because its owner said something that displeased gays (link) the reason why the treacherous elite stays where it is because Whites want it to be there.

To quote John Derbyshire (discussing the Jewish Question) in a context that twists the meaning of what he said (I despise his philosemitism with all my heart),

97 percent of the U.S. population [and the European one, for that matter] ended up dancing to the tune of the other three percent. If that is true, the only thing to say is the one Shakespeare’s Bianca would have said: “The more fool they.

If Whites can mobilize for idiotic causes like homosexual “marriage”, “human rights”, “wymyn’s rights”, “global warming” and at the same time they don’t organize to tackle real issues like Third World immigration it is because they don’t want to. They are not interested. If they are not aware of the JQ, it is because they are not interested. And if they keep voting for treacherous politicians who have their asses is because they don’t mind it. So let them live with the consequences. At the end of the day, you have to sleep on the bed you made, right?

Chechar: “it is not insane to fight these “nationalists” when one sees how universal Liberalism has infected even the nationalist blogsites. What is more, I sincerely believe that Greg Johnson and others who have people like Guénon on the pedestal should do an honest examination of conscience”

It’s all right to criticize the work of fellow White Nationalists so long as we do not overdo it. I think it’s all right to say, in an anti-intellectual mode, that Guénon is a waste of time for people who are serious about stopping race replacement. I think that Greg Johnson himself said somewhere that he knows he is not going to save the country by writing little essays about Nietzsche. But the fact remains that he is doing good work at the Counter-Currents blog, together with his colleagues. I don’t really care if they have articles about Guénon on their blog. The real problem is that we do not have a few thousand similar blogs openly resisting race replacement, openly discussing the Jewish problem, and doing it in an articulate, polite, intelligent way.

But that was not the point of my latest articles. The point is to debunk philosophy and the so-called “Wisdom of the West” as explained by Martínez (here).

I live in America. The first election I was eligible to vote in was Reagan’s second term. At that time I was a totally committed Reagan supporter and gladly voted for him. Since then I have voted in every national, state and local election. I have done what every white and normal voter has done. I voted for the lesser of two , or more, evils.
This is the long march, the mongralization. Apathetic, disillusioned, not taking a stand.
I was late in finding the internet. Had I found it sooner, my awakening would have come sooner. The same forces that are pushing our Race towards oblivion are at the same time preparing us. We, especially in America, have grown fat and lazy. The white race will be culled. Some will mix away, others will die in the streets, and some will fight. Those are our choices. It will not be the blacks, the browns, or the yellows that decide our fate. It is our choice.
The handfull of us who have awakened. Who will no longer choose the lesser of two evils. It is we, who will decide.


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