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French Revolution

Making our beds

It’s the Jews’ fault Whites let them into Harvard? It’s the Jews’ fault that Whites let them take over academia? It’s the Jews’ fault that Roosevelt was a communist? It’s the Jews’ fault that Luther rent Christendom? It’s the Jews’ fault that Whites handed over their civilization?

The only wild conspiracy going on here is that Whites aren’t responsible for their own beds.


For those who don’t believe Whites are capable of imposing this madness on themselves, I will point to France during the French Revolution which abolished slavery in the name of the “Rights of Man” and made every Negro a citizen of the French Republic.

Hunter Wallace

14 replies on “Making our beds”

“Hunter Wallace” (cough) fails to mention that the “Enlightenment” “Rights of Man” was then duplicated to the nth degree by the glorious founders of Murka. Something about making bed and then getting to sleep in it, is the underlying theme, I believe?

Yes. It is the Jews ‘ fault. They always worm their way in, with deliberate lies and treachery, They play on White goodwill, generosity, and kindness. The Hebes were deeply involved in the French Revolution. FDR was a Jew.

We know that there are bad Whites, and Whites who make mistakes. Whites who sell out their Race for Sheeny Gelte. But WHY do Jews ALWAYS seek to subvert and destory every-one else?

It’s Jews. It’s THEM. We are hip to their Nature. It’s our duty is to warn innocent people, of all Races, about their intrinsic evil . We must be eternally vigilant.

Why are you quoting Occijew? He’s a Jew. Chechar – you ought to know better by now.

But Lew: do you honestly believe that FDR was a Jew and that the French Revolution was caused not by the Enlightenment but by Jewish ideas (or that Occigent is Jew posing as White at OD)?

Changing subjects, I hope sooner or later you do take a good look at “Gitone’s magic”. It is linked at the sidebar under the heading of “My writing”.

I think he is writing in bad faith using superficially plausible statements to divert attention from the aspects of the problem that are the Jews’ fault. I don’t believe is a person to promote.

“it takes two to tango”

jews sell their shit and whites buy it. Simple! No need for big arguments, long essays or big books.

Yes, there is something wrong with whites too..something that has to be cured by whites themselves

egalitarianism has to be ejected from the white soul completely

Our response to the West’s Darkest Hour must be holistic. Isolating and curing egalitarianism, Jewry, or even decadence borne of prosperity is impossible. Either a new ethnostate emerges or an Order (a la Pierce) must.

We can only continue our civilization’s autopsy for so long. Perhaps the Buddhist Parable of the Arrow will make the point more effectively:


Even if we are dying for a poisoned arrow by the tribe, it boosts our morale to know that we had given them the bow (insofar as this “bicausalism” makes ourselves more responsible for our condition; the poisoners could not do it by themselves).

It isn’t our (the intelligent and moral elites of the white race) fault; it’s the fault of a system which gives power to the 85% of whites who are like sacks of potatoes that need to be moved about (J. Bowden).

The JQ isn’t a moral issue of responsibility, its a question of politics.

The Jews know that if they defeat natural aristocraticism (by whatever means possible) and mold our society to fit a mass-orientated model, they will always win because they can control the press and the banks.

The root of the problem is the structure of our society. If they take power away from the natural aristocracy of the white race and (supposedly) give it to the white masses, we will always LOSE and DECLINE as a result. The Jews gained this power by means of subversion, so ofcourse it is not our fault.

a Jew: “It’s the Jews’ fault Whites let them into Harvard?”

This rhetoric is absurd because it says one thing and its contrary in the same sentence:
1. Stop blaming the Jews
2. The problem is White people who won’t resist the Jews

Now, how can you resist the Jews without blaming them?
It doesn’t make any sense.

Hunter Wallace: “For those who don’t believe Whites are capable of imposing this madness on themselves, I will point to France during the French Revolution which abolished slavery in the name of the “Rights of Man” and made every Negro a citizen of the French Republic.”

There was no attempt from the French revolutionaries to replace France’s White population with Blacks. But that is exactly what today’s Judeo-French government is doing.

Denise: “The Hebes were deeply involved in the French Revolution.”

It would be interesting to do some DNA tests on the bones of some of the 1789 French revolutionaries, starting with Marat. He looked more like Yasser Arafat than like the average Frenchman.

Mister Deutsch: “it’s the fault of a system which gives power to the 85% of whites who are like sacks of potatoes that need to be moved about”

99% of White people disapprove of the race replacement policy. The Jewish dictatorship doesn’t care what they think. The problem is Jewish dictatorship, not White democracy.

“The Jews know that if they defeat natural aristocraticism (by whatever means possible) and mold our society to fit a mass-orientated model, they will always win because they can control the press and the banks.”

The Jews never managed to persuade White people that it is in their interest to be replaced by non-Whites. White people are not that stupid. It is true that the Jews control the media, but what is even more decisive is their direct control over government: how they changed the American immigration law in 1965, how they make Western governments import millions of new immigrants every year… Their control over the press in only useful in preventing the organization of the resistance.

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