Art is the Key to unlocking the power of the subconscious.
Agreed. This painting is a gem.
This passage of Man and his Symbols, page 257—:
In Chirico’s work, man is deprived of his soul; he becomes a manichino, a puppet without a face (and therefore without consciousness). In the various versions of his Great Metaphysician, a faceless figure is enthroned on a pedestal made of rubbish. The figure is a consciously or unconsciously ironical representation of the man who strives to discover the “truth” about metaphysics, and at the same time a symbol of ultimate loneliness and senselessness.
—brings to my mind quite a few so-called “great metaphysicians” of Western philosophical tradition.
3 replies on “Il grande metafisico”
Reblogged this on foundationsofthetwentyfirstcentury and commented:
Art is the Key to unlocking the power of the subconscious.
Agreed. This painting is a gem.
This passage of Man and his Symbols, page 257—:
—brings to my mind quite a few so-called “great metaphysicians” of Western philosophical tradition.
Thanks for your comments, Chechar, but would you be so kind as to ‘repost’ here:
Don’t use the other one.