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Evropa Soberana (webzine) Philosophy of history

Heartland, 1

The heart of the mainland

by Eduardo Velasco

The interior spaces of the Russian Empire and Mongolia are so immense, and their potential in population, wheat, cotton, fuel and metals so incalculably great, that it is inevitable that a vast economic world, more or less remote, should develop there, inaccessible to oceanic commerce.

—Halford J. Mackinder


Part One

Endorheic basins and the importance of river systems
What is heartland?
A brief history of the heartland
Prehistoric times
Middle Ages: Pax Mongolica
Ancient Regime: Cossacks and Tsars
Telluric Socialisms
The Cold War

Part Two

The red banana
The heartland theory
The world according to Mackinder
Extension of the Heartland and the importance of Eastern Europe
Germany according to Mackinder—Realpolitik, Kultur, Weltanschauung, the Munich School and Haushofer’s Geopolitik
Is the heartland theory obsolete?
Are there other heartlands?
The Arab heartland Nejd and the Devil’s horn
The African heartland
The Cerrado in Brazil has the heartland of South America
The Great Basin and other North American heartlands
Castilla la Vieja is the heartland of Spain

Part Three

The manpower theory globalisation against the white race
The struggle for the human mind: The human being as a battlefield
The rebellion of the Earth: dismembering the world ocean is widening heartland
Big Time versus Big Space
Potentials for Heartland: A new world, or the empire of closed land
Genesis of Atlanticism
The closed commercial state: Autarchy vs. globalisation
The Cossack example and the geopolitical and social importance of armed forces
New Vikings and Cossacks for Eurasia: the need for a demographic reproductive and ethnic biopolitics for the heartland
Spain in the context of the heartland from Iberia to Siberia

7 replies on “Heartland, 1”

Please check these PDFs again, C.T.!

For me they do not work in-browser and downloaded they seem to be incomplete. E.g., “ES_48” starts some paragraphs above “La Guerra Fría,” and “ES_49” starts some paragraphs above “La Gran Cuenca y Otros Heartlands

I’ve already checked them a minute ego and they look perfect from Safari (I also checked one of them via Chrome and it looks complete).

The same thing happened to me as is happening to you with other files I downloaded from the Internet. Since I’m ignorant in computer matters, I don’t know what it is.

The area between European Russia and Mongolia changed from being the nomadic heartland of the Nordic Scythians to the heartland of East Asian-looking Turkic peoples which shows that any heartland of any race can change.

All brown races are entitled to their own heartlands, as it should be, but not the Nordic race. Their heartland of Northwest Europe has been stolen from them and the heroic and creative culture they had is a thing of the past and what is more insulting is that this heroism and creativity is denied to have come from the Nordic race and claimed to be have been the work of the local brown population.

The Nordic race created s many things and defended them with their lives yet they spit on the legacy of this race as their thank you.

The Nordic race created s many things and defended them with their lives yet they spit on the legacy of this race as their thank you.

I still think that you should revise your syntax before posting…

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