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Internal jihad

There is something I would like to clarify about what I said in ‘On eunuchs’, where I linked the open letter to a dead race by David Lane, the creator of the 14 words.

I am not saying that it is time to start a civil war because there are not half a million soldiers on each side of the Atlantic. On that I differ from Lane, who mentioned Bob Mathews and Tim McVeigh in his open letter.

What I mean by reclaiming manhood, the theme of these days, is the following.

I am not a Muslim, but since we cannot practice any external jihad against the ethnocidal System at the moment, that warrior spirit must be directed towards an internal jihad. The phrase ‘internal jihad’ or ‘greater jihad’ refers to a believer’s efforts to live his Muslim faith to the best of his ability. It is considered more important than the jihad of external violence:

In our case, that inner jihad is nothing less than questioning the religious beliefs of our parents because Christian ethics are the basis for understanding the mass psychosis suffered by Westerners today.

Lane is right that there are no real men in the West any more, and that is why the Yeager podcast I referred to at Midnight is worth listening to. But without those million warriors it is obvious that all that male fury, all that militarism or craving for a new fascism and Yang spirit must be redirected toward our inner selves to fight the last vestiges of Semitic malware.

This explains my obsession to have read so many biographies about Nietzsche and to eventually gather the most fascinating anecdotes in Crusade against the Cross. As we saw there with the transfiguration from pietistic Lutheranism to Amor fati that psychotised him, not even Nietzsche himself expelled all vestiges of Christianity from his mind!

But now we can, thanks to the authors whose texts I have been collecting in the featured post (the one linked right after the image are excerpts from Skrbina and Holland’s books).

4 replies on “Internal jihad”

Commenter Benjamin has already helped me to download Yeager’s interview of Niflson.

Thanks again, Benjamin!

Julius Evola talks a lot about the concept of the Internal Jihad in his series of articles in Metaphysics of War; as a Perennialist/Traditionalist, he often references Islam, and, more specifically, Sufism. To be very brief, in his worldview the war against the weaknesses and foibles of the self, ie the internal jihad, is foundational to the aristocratic spirit.

Evola is interesting. His Perennialist worldview is Platonic and thus runs contrary to that of Nietzsche and the pre-Socratics whom Nietzsche admired, but I do think of him as a genuine, if eccentric, fellow traveler to National Socialism. He just needs to be read with a discerning eye.

Hello Herr Ceasar,

with this, you mean to live an honorable, respectful life free of degeneracy is greater than a life of only looking for immediate violence?

Hello Jamie,

If you don’t mind, I’ll use your question for my new post.

It’s a good question, and requires a brief, yet concise, answer.

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